The Reasons to Use the Apache Cassandra Database

  1. Forget about hard tasks — Building a centralized storage for logs and metrics and retrieving historical information from this storage is a task Cassandra deals with utmost ease.
  2. It’s easy to learnCassandra Query Language (CQL) is basically the same SQL but stripped of the more advanced features.
  3. Quick writing and reading — hey, it was developed for Facebook, where millions of reads/writes happen at each given second, so the performance is just incredible.
  4. Lowers admin costs for a DevOps — you can forget about deciphering the logs and dealing with the unexpected issues — instead, you’ll concentrate on the key tasks.
  5. An extreme resilience — it’s masterless cluster, so there is no Single Point of Failure. The data hashes are being constantly replicated throughout the cluster and your customers will not face the service downtime.

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